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Thursday, 13 September 2018

How to protect Your Information on AWS

How to protect Your Information on AWS

Understanding the Shared Responsibility Model

Like most cloud worker , AWS uses a shared responsibility model. It means both the vendor and the customer are important for securing the data. The vendor, Amazon, is important for the security “of the cloud,” i.e. its infrastructure that consist of hosting efficiency , hardware and software. Amazon’s responsibility consist of security against intrusion and detecting extortion and abuse.
The customer, in change , is important for the safety in the cloud, i.e. the organization’s appropriate content, applications using AWS, and existence approach management, as well as its internal support like firewalls and network . For PPT Click here : Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

Under this model, Deep Root Analytics was the one chargeable for the advance data liability and the indication will likely linger for a long time.

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How to protect Your Information on AWS : 10 Best Practices

  • Enable CloudTrail opposite all AWS and direction on CloudTrail log validation : 

    Enabling CloudTrail confess logs to be establish , and the API call history provides connection to data like capability changes. With CloudTrail log validation on, you can consider any changes to log files after transmission to the S3 bucket .
  • Implement CloudTrail S3 buckets connection logging : 

    These buckets consist of log data that CloudTrail captures. Facultative connection logging will confess you to track connection and determine potential attempts at unauthorized connection . 

    Implement flow logging for Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) : 

    These flow logs confess you to monitor network traffic that crosses the VPC, active you of abnormal activity like strangely high levels of data transmission .
  • Provision connection to groups or aspect using existence and access management (IAM) policies : 

    By attaching the IAM policies to groups or roles instead of particulars users, you minimize the opportunity of unintentionally giving unreasonable permissions and privileges to a user, as well as make permission-management more profitable .
  • Decrease connection to the CloudTrail bucket logs and use most factor authentication for bucket deletion : 

    Unconditional connection , even to controller , expansion the opportunity of unauthorized connection in case of stolen recommendation due to a pushing intrusion . If the AWS account becomes compose , multi factor verification will make it more challenging for hackers to hide their route .
  • Encrypt log files at rest : 

    Only users who have acceptance to connection the S3 buckets with the logs should have decryption acceptance in addition to connection to the CloudTrail logs.
  • Frequently rotate IAM connection keys : 

    Rotate the keys and setting a standard password termination policy helps prevent connection due to a lost or stolen key.
  • Restrict access to generally used ports : 

    such as SMTP , FTP, MSSQL, MongoDB etc., to compulsory entities only.
  • Don’t use access keys with root accounts : 

    Doing so can simply arrangement the account and open connection to all AWS services in the event of a lost or stolen key. Generate performance based accounts instead and deflect using root user accounts altogether.
  • Eliminate untouched keys and damage inoperative users and accounts : 

    Both unused connection keys and inoperative accounts expand the risk outer and the risk of arrangement .

Here we analysis few of the most common configuration misstep administrators make with AWS.

Not knowing who is in charge of security

When working with a cloud provider, security is a shared importance . Unfortunately, many admins don’t always know what AWS takes care of and which security manage they themselves have to apply. When working with AWS, you can’t conclude that default configurations are applicable for your workloads, so you have to actively check and manage those settings.
It’s a genuine approach , but nuanced in execution, says Mark Nunnikhoven, vice president of cloud research at Trend Micro. The conspiracy is computation out which importance is which .
More useful , AWS afford a collection of services, every of which ambition distinct levels of importance ; know the disparity when picking your service. For example, EC2 puts the onus of security on you, leaving you important for configuring the operating system, managing applications, and protecting data . It’s quite a lot,Nunnikhoven says. In variation , with AWS Simple Storage Service consumer target only on secure data going in and out, as Amazon contain manage of the operating system and application .
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Forgetting about logs

Too many admins generate AWS particular without turning on AWS CloudTrail, a web service that records API calls from AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, command-line tools, and higher-level services such as AWS CloudFormation.
CloudTrail provides valuable log data, maintaining a history of all AWS API calls, including the existence of the API caller, the time of the call, the caller’s source IP address, the desire parameters, and the return elements returned by the AWS service. As such, CloudTrail can be used for security investigation , resource management, change tracking, and concession audits.
Saviynt enquiry found that CloudTrail was often deleted, and log validation was often restricted from particular instances.
Administrators cannot delightfully turn on CloudTrail. If you don’t turn it on, you’ll be blind to the activity of your virtual instances during the course of any future analysis . Some determination need to be made in order to implement CloudTrail, such as where and how to store logs, but the time spent to make sure CloudTrail is set up accurately will be well worth it.

Giving away too many privileges

Connection keys and user connection control are integral to AWS security. It may be attractive to give developers administrator rights to manage certain tasks, but you shouldn’t. Not everyone needs to be an admin, and there’s no reason why policies can’t manage most conditions . Saviynt research found that 35 percent of privileged users in AWS have full access to a wide variety of services, consist of the capability to bring down the whole customer AWS environment. Another general mistake is leaving high privilege AWS accounts turned on for dissolve users, Saviynt found.
Controllers often decline to set up thorough policies for a collection of user scenarios, instead selecting to make them so broad that they lose their capability . implement policies and roles to restrict connection depreciate your attack surface, as it dispose of the opportunities of the entire AWS environment being compose because a key was defined , account license were stolen, or someone on your team made a composition error.

Having powerful users and broad roles

AWS existence and connection Management  is analytical for securing AWS deployments, says Nunnikhoven. The service which is free compose it fairly straightforward to set up new existence , users, and roles, and to appoint premade policies or to customize chapped permissions. You should use the service to appoint a role to an EC2 instance, then a policy to that role. This assistance the EC2 instance all of the permissions in the policy with no wish to store credentials locally on the instance. Users with lower levels of connection are able to execute definite tasks in the EC2 instance without needing to be granted higher levels of access.
A general most configurating is to nominate connection to the complete set of acceptance for each AWS item. If the application obligation the capability to write files to Amazon S3 and it has full access to S3, it can read, write, and delete each single file in S3 for that account. If the script’s job is to run a periodically cleanup of unused files, there is no wish to have any read acceptance , for example. Instead, use the IAM service to give the application write access to one definite bucket in S3. By analyze permissions, the application cannot read or delete any files, in or out of that bucket.

Relying heavily on passwords

The advance wave of data breaches and follow up intervention with offender using harvested login credentials to break into other accounts should have made it clear by now: Usernames and passwords aren’t enough. Enforce strong passwords and turn on two-factor authentication to handle AWS instances. For applications, turn on multi factor authentication. AWS afford tools to add in tokens such as a physical card or a smartphone app to turn on multi factor authentication.

Exposed secrets and keys

It shouldn’t appear as often as it does, but credentials are often found hard-coded into application source code, or configuration files containing keys and passwords are stored in publicly available locations. AWS keys have been defined in public depository over the years. GitHub now generally scans public repositories to alert developers about defined AWS credentials.
Keys should be generally rotated. Don’t be the controller who lets too much time pass between revolution . IAM is capable , but many of its appearance are generally avoid . All credentials, passwords, and API connection Keys should be rotated generally so that in the event of determine the stolen keys are valid only for a short, fixed time frame, thereby depreciate attacker connection to your occureness . Administrators should set up policies to usually expire passwords and prevent password reuse across instances.

To learn more about this visit our website Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .


Saturday, 1 September 2018

Cloud Computing for Telecom Industry

Cloud Computing for Telecom Industry

The economic advantages of the cloud computing – such as, its pay-as-you-go model, greater scalability, and on-demand resource provisioning over traditional IT approach – have put this technology on the IT map of every sector, with telecom industry being no different. A number of telecom carriers are considering cloud as a new alternative to gain agility, cut down costs, and keep customer churn controlled.
Cloud computing offers an amazing array of advantages to almost all sectors that leverage IT technologies. Telecom sector is no exception to this since it has been leveraging cloud based solutions for dynamic scalability, real-time resource provisioning, backed by its utility based payment model for excellent cost effectiveness.

How Cloud Computing Aids Telecom Players?

Cloud computing helps telecom players improve their services and gain competitive edge due to cloud’s ability of enhancing agility and efficiency as compared with conventional IT infrastructures.
 Improves quality and performance of services
 Device and network independent access to communication and IT services

Cloud computing Training in Chandigarh Mitigates upfront costs while boosting cost of ownership(TCO)
Telecom industry is governed by stiff competition among different carriers that need to struggle for meeting ever increasing demands for various applications and services. Modern consumers of telecom services need to be offered wide spectrum of services irrespective of their devices and locations. It is observed that telecom carriers are seeking efficient and affordable alternatives for delivering IT services in response to consumer demands.
Optimization of network is an important objective of every telecom provider since these are considered as vital assets with strategic significance. Networks are capable of driving financial prospects in terms of profitability of the telecom services. Cloud computing is an ideal resource to extract optimum value from existing networks.
With help of cloud computing, telecom providers can reposition themselves in the value chain by building capability of providing application delivery services that are web based. This will help them achieve a stature that is beyond simple connectivity service provider.

Enhancement of value perception

Cloud computing offers a broad assortment of advantages for telecom service providers that can enhance value of their offerings for greater business potential. One of the most noticeable features of cloud computing is its ability to eliminate costly on-site infrastructures that need support of hardware and software.
Service providers in telecom sector are looking for ways to consolidate and optimize network architectures and cloud computing can help them achieve these objectives. 
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Moreover, cloud based services can be availed as and when needed so that companies can provision compute power or cloud based infrastructure in response to demand instead of investing in costly on-site infrastructures and then wait for demand generation.
Ability to procure and build infrastructures on demand improves elasticity of services and facilitates easy deployment of solutions. The demand based scalability of infrastructure is also beneficial for improvement of time to market new offers and services.

Encouraging IT independence

Globalization has revolutionized office culture as more and more employees can be positioned at remote offices. The modern workforce needs communicate and collaborate with their colleagues and office teams that may be spread out across continents.
Web based applications can help improve profitability and boost market share of telecom providers. Service providers in telecom industry can improve quality and reliability of their mobile communications, broad-band services, and open source technologies with help of web-based application services.
Cloud computing enables storage and processing of much larger volumes of data as compared to on-site storage resources. This also frees up local storage space and the processing power. In addition to this cloud computing technology also mitigates overall staffing and maintenance costs of on-premise infrastructures and support prompt updates of software applications, enhancement of system performance, and accessibility as well as reliability of data.

Leveraging managed service market

Managed service market backed by cloud technology is witnessing exponential growth and telecom providers can exploit this opportunity by leveraging cloud based solutions.
Since adoption of cloud facilitates a scalable resource for designing scalable services, telecom service providers can capitalize on these attributes to build managed services and claim significant market share in software based network services. This particular segment is not tapped to its fullest potential .

To learn more about this visit our website Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .




Friday, 10 August 2018

Types and Benefits of Cloud Computing

Types and Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the on-request delivery of database storage, compute power,   applications and other IT resources on the internet, with pay-by-way price through the Cloud Services platform.

Cloud Computing Basics :

Regardless of whether you supporting the basic activities of your business or you are running applications that offer photographs to a large number of versatile clients, a Cloud Services Platform gives quick access to flexible and low cost IT resources.  With cloud computing, you don't have to make large irreversible investments in hardware and invest a considerable measure of energy and time to take up the management of that equipment. Instead, you can make the right type and size of the computing resources necessary to power your latest bright idea or to operate your IT department. You can reach as much resources as you need, pay almost immediately, and pay only for the amount you use . For PPT Click here Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

How Does Cloud Computing Work?

Cloud computing provides an easy way to access a wide set of servers, storage, databases, and application services on the Internet for example, Amazon Web Services  owns and maintains hardware related to the network required for these application services, while you provision and  utilize what you require by means of a web application .

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Advantages of Cloud Computing
  • Trade capital expense for variable expense

Rather than investing vigorously in data centers and servers before,  know how you will utilize them, you can pay only when you consume computing resources, and only pay how much you consume.
  • Benefit from massive economies of scale

Using Cloud Computing, you can get less variable cost as much as you can get yourself. Since use from a huge number of clients are totaled in the cloud, suppliers, for example, Amazon Web Services can accomplish higher economies of scale which converts  into lower pay when you go to prices.
  • Stop guessing capacity

Finish guessing on your infrastructure capacity requirements. When you make a competent decision before deploying an application, you often end up sitting on expensive inactive resources or dealing with limited capabilities. With cloud computing, these problems go away. You can reach as much or as little as you want, and with a few minutes notice you can scale up and down as needed.
  • Increase speed and agility

In the cloud computing environment, new IT resources are only one click away,  which implies you lessen the time it takes to make those assets accessible to your designers from weeks to minutes.As a result, agility for the organization has increased dramatically, because cost and time are very short for experimentation and development.
  • Go global in no time

Easily deploy your application in many areas around the world with just a few clicks. This means that you can provide low latency and a better experience for your customers at minimal cost.

Types of Cloud Computing

There are three main types of cloud computing that are commonly known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Choosing the right type of cloud computing for your needs can help you to strike the right balance of control and undivided heavy lifting.
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  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):

Infrastructure as a Service,  which is sometimes abbreviated as IAAS, has the original building blocks for cloud IT, and usually up to networking facilities, PCs and information storage room. IaaS provides you with the largest amount of adaptability and management control over your IT resources and is most like existing IT resources that numerous IT departments and developers know about today.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS):

Platforms as a service  expel the requirement for organizations to manage the underlying infrastructure and allow you to focus on the management of your applications. This causes you be more effective as you don't have to stress over asset acquirement, scope quantification, programming support, fixing, or any of the other undifferentiated truly difficult work associated with running your application
  • Software as a Service (SaaS):

As a service the software provides you a complete product that is run and managed by the service provider. In most cases, people who refer to software as a service are referring to end user applications. With a SaaS offering you don't need to consider how the administration is kept up or how the basic framework is overseen; you just need to consider how you will utilize that specific piece programming. A typical case of a SaaS application is web-based email where you can send and get email without managing feature additions in the email product  or keeping up the servers and working frameworks that the email program is running on.

To learn more about this visit our website Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Scope of Cloud Computing

Scope of Cloud Computing 

One of the most leading  IT progression of the modern  times, cloud computing has not only made it very acceptable for users but it has even helped many business organizations in the real saving of money.

The phrase  Cloud designate  to an appreciable  or large scale utilization  of the internet wherein the services get approved  by users through the internet . In short, cloud computing is an internet based computing modern  IT progression .

Understanding Cloud Computing    

The process of computing in which computer is shared rather than using local computers or dedicated tools is cloud computing. In a common man's language, in cloud computing, usually or often used data is stored on multiple servers for later access using the Internet. Different services like equipment, storage and services are connected to the user's computing machines through the Internet.

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What is the need for cloud computing?

Cloud computing is getting more acceptance in the modern years and most businesses are already seen as standard. The connection to the user is very well explained and even the user gets real and practical space for storage so that he can use more equipment productively without worrying about the illusion or description.

The need for cloud computing for a business arises on the following grounds :

Cost Efficiency :

Cloud computing restrict the demand for an enterprise to prepare greater investments on servers and hardware storages.

Effective focus on business

Due to being attractive in cloud computing, one organization has confirmed the rest that all its services will be completed through internet and it does not bother about day-to-day technical complexity or any other connection to backup or storage Wants to be It applies more time to the enterprise to focus on the product on the enterprise.

Aids in Efficient completion of a business

A company repair to cloud computing is sure to get stable execution across any edge of the globe inattentive to the geographical of the user. The considerable advantage of cloud computing is its auto update of applications and services.

High level of Data Security

Providing highest security to conserve your data against unauthorized convenience , loss of data or any form of modification is the highest advantage for an organization using cloud computing.

Highly Flexible

Any technical defect , god exclude , if appear and a partial segment of the cloud computing stop working, there is no wish to scare as the other section continue to work without any beginning for objection till the problem gets determine .

Skills Needed to Master Cloud Computing

No particular capability is desired to determine cloud computing. Just a basic awareness of computers along with programming skills is enough. Prior capability or even applicable experience would give added to secure job in this field. Cloud computing field action many job happening in a diversity of roles ranging from IT systems, management, and user support, improvement in the application, as a business analyst, web developer and even in the field of net security. Each role demands a specific skill for immigrate this field.

If you want to learn more about this visit our website : Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Top Cloud Databases

Top Cloud Databases

A cloud database is a extensible content database running on a cloud computing platform that could be private, public or hybrid.
There are two cloud database environment layout , namely, popular cloud layout and Database-as-a-service .
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In the popular cloud model, the content database will be run on the appropriate enterprise’s base and any neglect will fall into the shoulders of IT employee of the company.

Here are the major preference of cloud databases :

Getting eliminate of physical infrastructure — It is the duty of the cloud service worker to control the database, offer storage and other infrastructure.

Scalability — Contracting with DBaaS, allows for automatic scalability most of the time, during peak business hours or unexpected spikes during festivals and special days.

Cost effectiveness — Reduced capital expenditure for enterprises is another advantage, because they no longer have to worry about operational costs or upgrading the infrastructure because all this will be handled by the cloud vendor.

Latest technology opportunity  —activity  no longer have to concern about shelling money on transaction new technologies because updated infrastructure is the headache of the cloud vendor.

1. Amazon Web Services

Amazon is one of the high ones in the file of cloud database services, and it consist of an array of assistance consist of NoSQL , petabyte-scale data-warehouse solution and in-memory caching assistance .

The key assistance of AWS are:

o Amazon RDS — for relational databases
o Amazon Redshift — As fast completed handled , petabyte-scale data warehouse.
o Amazon DynamoDB — With its control NoSQL database services
o Amazon ElastiCache — Providing in-memory caching service.

2. Microsoft Azure SQL Database

Azure is also like Amazon and offers both SQL and NoSQL databases. Profit of having Azure consist of gullibility with actually no downtime, built-in insurance protections, automated tuning, multi-tenancy capacity and support for development tools.
It makes construction and expand apps simple , permissive developers to monitor them with simple . SQL developers can simply work with SQLCMD or the SQL Server executive Studio when working with SQL Azure.

3. Microsoft Azure DocumentDB

As Microsoft Azure supports two different cloud based implementations, it is worth mentioning Microsoft Azure DocumentDB as well. in 2014, Microsoft Azure Launched DocumentDB is an NoSQL document database assistance that supports both JSON and Javascript.
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Profits of Microsoft Azure DocumentDB consist of boundless gullibility , high level flexibility and admirable global duplicate capacities . also , it action 15 millisecond latencies on writes and 10 millisecond latencies on reads.
Hence, Document DB is a write optimized; latch-free database engine distribute high achievement solid-state drives for the cloud. Though Microsoft relief both Mongo DB and Azure DocumentDB, both the databases distribute few general ground as well.

4. Cloud SQL by Google

As it can control both MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, Cloud SQL with its relational databases and a Big Query investigation tool can simply run queries on cloud-based data for Google Cloud Platform.
It is simple to set up, control, control and administer. Cloud SQL is the justification for developers looking for the best choice to save time exhausting exercise like implement patches and updates, manage backups and a lot more.
Builder can target on construction high apps and since Cloud SQL uses definitive wire protocols, associating any applications from anywhere becomes easier. The database also supports general attribute of MySQL or PostgreSQL, with just very few alternative

5. Oracle Database as a Service

Business developers are also appreciative of the capacities of Oracle databases in data centers. Protection this in mind, Oracle has liberated its database technology on an SaaS support . It can support any size workload, right from evolution to testing, and still offer big  level security encryption spanning various layers .
Aside from providing affability , executive opportunities and various piblication , the another noted advantage of Oracle database is that developers can get it up and running within a few minutes. You can add capacity on-demand as well, adding to its scaling.

 Hence, as your business grows from startup to a large enterprise, Oracle stays with you by scaling OLTP and Data Warehouse workloads as per requirement.

To learn more about this visit Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

Monday, 23 July 2018

components of Windows Azure platform

Components of Windows Azure platform

The components of Windows Azure platform are :

  • Windows Azure
  • SQL Database
  • Windows Azure AppFabric
All these components are available as a services and available in Microsoft datacenters located in United States, Europe, and Asia . Cloud Computing is a great alternation in the digital landscape that has reversed the the process IT solutions are delivered . CBitss Technologies offered  real time and placement fixet  Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh . Our cloud computing course incorporate   primary  to high  level and our course is construct  to take  jobs  in good MNC Companies . Our course covers the modules like Amazon Web Service , Azure , Hadoop , Big data and Google Cloud etc .
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What is the diversity  among  Windows Azure Platform and Windows Azure?

Technically Windows Azure Platform and Windows Azure are different. Windows Azure Platform is a platform contribution  assistance  such as Windows Azure, SQL Azure, and AppFabric. Windows Azure is the Microsoft’s cloud OS and is a section  of the Azure platform.

Before information  how to expand   an Azure application, a specialist  should be simple   with the components of the azure platform, their appearance  and abstraction

Windows Azure

components of Windows Azure OS?

Azure OS is that part of Azure platform which runs applications and stores data. Windows Azure OS contains five services.
  • Compute
  • Storage
  • Virtual Network
  • CDN
  • Fabric Controller


Compute Service runs applications . naturally  speaking, Compute is your applications hosting environment. Compute service offers three impalement  models and they are :
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  • Virtual Machines

Virtual Machines impalement  model is utilize  when a user needs  to use only the Cloud framework .
  • Web Sites

Web sites impalement  model is utilize  when a user needs  to change  an actual  application or run a web application in a handle  environment.
  • Cloud Services

Cloud Services impalement  model is utilize  when a user needs  to expand  and run a multi-tier application or exceptionally  scalable applications.

SQL Database

SQL Database is the relational storage service Azure offers to store relational data in the cloud. It is like a SQL server database on cloud. Note that SQL Database is available as a service. SQL Database contains all common features of the SQL server such as tables, primary keys, stored procedures and functions, user-defined functions. Not only that, it also manages transactions and concurrency. The essential  period  here is applications can approach  SQL Database using disparate  data approach  technologies like EF and ADO.NET and WCF Data Services. (just like sql server)

Windows Azure AppFabric

AppFabric is the considerable  ingredient  of the Azure platform. AppFabric consist  on leading  of the operating system and is a set of services . AppFabric chiefly  involve :
  • Service Bus
  • Access Control Service

Managed Environment

A managed climate  is one which does not need  standard  interruption . It handle  itself automatically.

Execution model

Execution model is a term given by cloud vendors to its services. When you select  an impalement  model, you will know apparently  what are the assistance  being afford  and what is the management  level on these services. Execution model resolve  the run time environment your application is going to run in the azure cloud infrastructure

To learn more about this visit our website Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

Monday, 9 July 2018

Application Hosting and AWS

Application Hosting and AWS

Application Hosting

Generally , businesses have had to build and control support to run on-premises applications. With the Software-as-a-Service  perfect , businesses can influence applications that are hosted online, permissive them to lower their costs by paying only for what they use, enjoy seamless and painless upgrades in functionality, and integrate easily with their existing data and systems.

Application providers who are building SaaS-based applications quickly learn that owning and operating the infrastructure on which these solutions are hosted can be expensive and complex, especially when customer demand is uncertain . For PPT Click here Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

Whether you are an enterprise looking for a cloud environment in which to deploy your existing on-premises solutions, or an application vendor evaluating a cloud platform on which to deploy a new application or SaaS offering, you should consider the following questions :
  • Can I use the programming language and application platform of my choice?
  • Can I use the operating system and environment on which my existing applications are already deployed?
  • What commitments or contracts will my cloud provider require? Will I have to make an up-front investment?
  • How quickly can I respond to spikes and lulls in demand from my customers or application computing loads?
  • Does my cloud provider have experience in maintaining a global, redundant, and resilient infrastructure?
  • What security considerations has my cloud provider addressed?
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Application Hosting Using AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers reliable, scalable, and cost-effective computing resources on which to host your applications. You can use the following AWS components alone or combined to host your application(s) :
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) :
 Amazon EC2 provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. You describe your virtual Amazon EC2 climate with the operating system, services, databases, and application platform stack needed for your hosted application. Amazon EC2 afford a complete administration console and APIs to manage your compute resources.
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) :
Amazon S3 manage a available web assistance joining to stack and improvement some section of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It is durable, highly available, and secure. Amazon S3 also stores multiple redundant copies of your data.
Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) :
 Amazon RDS makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. It provides cost-efficient and resizable database capacity while managing time-consuming database administration tasks.
Amazon CloudFront
Amazon CloudFront provides a high performance, globally distributed content delivery system. Your application can use Amazon CloudFront to easily distribute or stream content to your users with low latency, high data transfer speeds, no commitments, and seamless integration with Amazon S3.
Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)
Amazon SQS provides a high performance, secure queuing system for your application that enables you to reliably distribute work between your application’s processes.
Amazon DevPay
Amazon DevPay is a easy-to-utilize online billing and account control service that assemble it uncomplicated for you to trade applications that are built in, or run on top of, Amazon Web Services .

Benefits of AWS :

Easy to use

AWS is establish to grant application afford , ISVs, and dealers to immediately and actively host your applications – whether an actual application or a new SaaS-based application. You can use the AWS Management Console or well-documented web services APIs to access AWS’s application hosting platform.
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AWS implement you to elect the operating system, programming language, web application staging , database, and other services you need. With AWS, you collect a virtual climate that lets you load the software and services your application desire . This comfort the migration procedure for current applications while secure opportunity for architecture new clarification .


You pay only for the compute power, storage, and other effects you utilize , with no long-term arrangement or upfront guarantee.


With AWS, you take advantage of a scalable, reliable, and secure global computing infrastructure, the virtual backbone of Amazon’s multi-billion dollar online business that has been honed for over a decade.

Scalable and high-performance

Using AWS tools, Auto Scaling, and Elastic Load Balancing, your application can scale up or down based on demand. Backed by Amazon’s extensive support , you have connection to measure and storage effects when you essential them.


AWS correct an end-to-end access to protected and compact our base , consist physical, useful , and software measures. 

To learn more about this visit our website Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .