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Monday, 23 July 2018

components of Windows Azure platform

Components of Windows Azure platform

The components of Windows Azure platform are :

  • Windows Azure
  • SQL Database
  • Windows Azure AppFabric
All these components are available as a services and available in Microsoft datacenters located in United States, Europe, and Asia . Cloud Computing is a great alternation in the digital landscape that has reversed the the process IT solutions are delivered . CBitss Technologies offered  real time and placement fixet  Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh . Our cloud computing course incorporate   primary  to high  level and our course is construct  to take  jobs  in good MNC Companies . Our course covers the modules like Amazon Web Service , Azure , Hadoop , Big data and Google Cloud etc .
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What is the diversity  among  Windows Azure Platform and Windows Azure?

Technically Windows Azure Platform and Windows Azure are different. Windows Azure Platform is a platform contribution  assistance  such as Windows Azure, SQL Azure, and AppFabric. Windows Azure is the Microsoft’s cloud OS and is a section  of the Azure platform.

Before information  how to expand   an Azure application, a specialist  should be simple   with the components of the azure platform, their appearance  and abstraction

Windows Azure

components of Windows Azure OS?

Azure OS is that part of Azure platform which runs applications and stores data. Windows Azure OS contains five services.
  • Compute
  • Storage
  • Virtual Network
  • CDN
  • Fabric Controller


Compute Service runs applications . naturally  speaking, Compute is your applications hosting environment. Compute service offers three impalement  models and they are :
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  • Virtual Machines

Virtual Machines impalement  model is utilize  when a user needs  to use only the Cloud framework .
  • Web Sites

Web sites impalement  model is utilize  when a user needs  to change  an actual  application or run a web application in a handle  environment.
  • Cloud Services

Cloud Services impalement  model is utilize  when a user needs  to expand  and run a multi-tier application or exceptionally  scalable applications.

SQL Database

SQL Database is the relational storage service Azure offers to store relational data in the cloud. It is like a SQL server database on cloud. Note that SQL Database is available as a service. SQL Database contains all common features of the SQL server such as tables, primary keys, stored procedures and functions, user-defined functions. Not only that, it also manages transactions and concurrency. The essential  period  here is applications can approach  SQL Database using disparate  data approach  technologies like EF and ADO.NET and WCF Data Services. (just like sql server)

Windows Azure AppFabric

AppFabric is the considerable  ingredient  of the Azure platform. AppFabric consist  on leading  of the operating system and is a set of services . AppFabric chiefly  involve :
  • Service Bus
  • Access Control Service

Managed Environment

A managed climate  is one which does not need  standard  interruption . It handle  itself automatically.

Execution model

Execution model is a term given by cloud vendors to its services. When you select  an impalement  model, you will know apparently  what are the assistance  being afford  and what is the management  level on these services. Execution model resolve  the run time environment your application is going to run in the azure cloud infrastructure

To learn more about this visit our website Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

Monday, 9 July 2018

Application Hosting and AWS

Application Hosting and AWS

Application Hosting

Generally , businesses have had to build and control support to run on-premises applications. With the Software-as-a-Service  perfect , businesses can influence applications that are hosted online, permissive them to lower their costs by paying only for what they use, enjoy seamless and painless upgrades in functionality, and integrate easily with their existing data and systems.

Application providers who are building SaaS-based applications quickly learn that owning and operating the infrastructure on which these solutions are hosted can be expensive and complex, especially when customer demand is uncertain . For PPT Click here Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

Whether you are an enterprise looking for a cloud environment in which to deploy your existing on-premises solutions, or an application vendor evaluating a cloud platform on which to deploy a new application or SaaS offering, you should consider the following questions :
  • Can I use the programming language and application platform of my choice?
  • Can I use the operating system and environment on which my existing applications are already deployed?
  • What commitments or contracts will my cloud provider require? Will I have to make an up-front investment?
  • How quickly can I respond to spikes and lulls in demand from my customers or application computing loads?
  • Does my cloud provider have experience in maintaining a global, redundant, and resilient infrastructure?
  • What security considerations has my cloud provider addressed?
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Application Hosting Using AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers reliable, scalable, and cost-effective computing resources on which to host your applications. You can use the following AWS components alone or combined to host your application(s) :
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) :
 Amazon EC2 provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. You describe your virtual Amazon EC2 climate with the operating system, services, databases, and application platform stack needed for your hosted application. Amazon EC2 afford a complete administration console and APIs to manage your compute resources.
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) :
Amazon S3 manage a available web assistance joining to stack and improvement some section of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It is durable, highly available, and secure. Amazon S3 also stores multiple redundant copies of your data.
Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) :
 Amazon RDS makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. It provides cost-efficient and resizable database capacity while managing time-consuming database administration tasks.
Amazon CloudFront
Amazon CloudFront provides a high performance, globally distributed content delivery system. Your application can use Amazon CloudFront to easily distribute or stream content to your users with low latency, high data transfer speeds, no commitments, and seamless integration with Amazon S3.
Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)
Amazon SQS provides a high performance, secure queuing system for your application that enables you to reliably distribute work between your application’s processes.
Amazon DevPay
Amazon DevPay is a easy-to-utilize online billing and account control service that assemble it uncomplicated for you to trade applications that are built in, or run on top of, Amazon Web Services .

Benefits of AWS :

Easy to use

AWS is establish to grant application afford , ISVs, and dealers to immediately and actively host your applications – whether an actual application or a new SaaS-based application. You can use the AWS Management Console or well-documented web services APIs to access AWS’s application hosting platform.
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AWS implement you to elect the operating system, programming language, web application staging , database, and other services you need. With AWS, you collect a virtual climate that lets you load the software and services your application desire . This comfort the migration procedure for current applications while secure opportunity for architecture new clarification .


You pay only for the compute power, storage, and other effects you utilize , with no long-term arrangement or upfront guarantee.


With AWS, you take advantage of a scalable, reliable, and secure global computing infrastructure, the virtual backbone of Amazon’s multi-billion dollar online business that has been honed for over a decade.

Scalable and high-performance

Using AWS tools, Auto Scaling, and Elastic Load Balancing, your application can scale up or down based on demand. Backed by Amazon’s extensive support , you have connection to measure and storage effects when you essential them.


AWS correct an end-to-end access to protected and compact our base , consist physical, useful , and software measures. 

To learn more about this visit our website Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Introduction of IAAS (Infrastructure as a service )

Introduction of  IAAS  (Infrastructure as a service )

Cloud Computing is a recent  form  of computing in which dynamically extensible  effects  are offered  as a pay per use service comparable  to electricity sharing  in the electrical grate . previous  to this model websites and web-based applications were construct on a particular system. With the advent of this technology, the resources were confined together as a virtual computer. The benefits  of cloud computing for activity  are that, the web services offered facilitates  companies to associate and make association  available globally without setting up additional infrastructures like adding servers, data centers and more. The climate  is extensible to contain  extensive  number of users. The important  logic  to shift to this paradigm of computing are reduced cost, reduced usage of personnel , robust scalability and so on Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh


This is a extensive  platform which is utilize  by considerable  scope enterprise consumer . IaaS contribute  infrastructure like unlimited storage and computing power for developers without requiring any physical hardware on site. It is the base layer for cloud computing which essentially  consider  with virtual machines, storage, servers,networks, load balancers, and the IaaS cloud providers supply these resources on-demand. Minimal requirements to build IaaS cloud employs: Hypervisor – VMM (Virtual Machine Monitor), and Networking topology – public or private. IaaS reduce  the wish  for a data center, and control  hardware at the local level. Sometimes IaaS is otherwise regarded as Hardware as a Service (HaaS).
Examples include Amazon Web Service (AWS), Rackspace, Windows Azure etc. For PPT Click here : Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

Amazon Web Services :

AWS is a collection of remote computing services to make up a cloud computing platform . Popular customers that benefit from AWS are Netflix, NASDAQ,
SmugMug, Pinterest and wetransfer.

Main components in AWS are :

AWS Storage Services :

AWS Storage Services provide reliable, secure, and inexpensive infrastructure and also allow the users to store and retrieve any amount of data at any time .

Amazon Glacier :

Amazon Glacier is extremely low cost storage service as it allows the customers to store massive or trivial amounts of data. The cardinal feature of Amazon Glacier is that it provides secure and durable storage of data. With Amazon Glacier, companies need not calculatem the requirements and their capacity instead the companies pay only for what they use. One can stock  any data essentially  in any formation  and Amazon just manage  trail of data stocked  by the customer for billing purposes. Data in Amazon Glacier is stored as an archive and is assigned with a unique archive id and this is used to retrieve data. An individual extracts  can consist of  a maximum of 40 terabytes. Amazon confess  the clients to utilize safe  to construct data and it is gathered as an extracts in the safe  of the user’s preferred .

AWS Compute Service :

Compute services provide resizable compute capacity, automatic
parallelization and job scheduling in the cloud.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) :

Amazon EC2 is a web service that provides a virtual computing environment through which the user can boot Amazon Machine Image (AMI) which the Amazon calls as an  instance . AMI is essentially  a set  of application software, information , data, operating system and associated system configuration settings. AMIs can be used to provision multiple instances by using static IP addresses. The instances are provided with persistent storage and can be scaled up or down based on requirement changes

AWS Database Service :

AWS provides different databases for the developers and customers to store huge data sets. Users can run their data sets either on fully managed relational and NoSQL databases or can create their own database in Amazon EBS and Amazon EC2.

Amazon Redshift :

Amazon Redshift is a petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. Amazon Redshift uses SQL-based tools for performing queries and launching a Redshift cluster quite easy which ranges from few hundreds of gigabyte to petabyte or more. Amazon Redshift by default creates a database after creation of a cluster. Initial step is to create data warehouse to launch set of compute nodes which is called as Amazon Redshift cluster and this cluster is managed by Amazon Redshift Management Console.

Cluster Management :

As per the requirements of the customer one can utilize small cluster and also can scale the resources either by adding or removing the compute nodes. Amazon Redshift allows distributed tables. These distributed tables are similar to concept of distributed processing.
To learn more about services of Cloud Computing so visit our website : Cloud computing Training in Chandigarh

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Layers of Paas Architecture

Layers of Paas Architecture

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is the attached impression descending from Software as a Service (SaaS) in the Cloud Computing . rather of accessible formed services, PaaS implement the platform for establish such applications and services.
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Platform as a Service (PaaS) Advantages

  • The PaaS Cloud Provider may provide better security than your existing software . improved care may appear in section because it is analytical for the PaaS Cloud worker and is section of their essential employment .
  • No require to control the inauguration of advance inauguration of the evolution software. This is managed by the PaaS Cloud Provider.
  • No need to provision servers. This is handled by the PaaS Cloud Provider.
  • No need to manage the underlying data center. This is handled by the PaaS Cloud Provider.
  • Usually, there is no need to manage backups. This is handled by the PaaS Cloud Provider.
  • If the PaaS Cloud worker base failure should the software or the statics inside become inaccessible , that failure  is a involvement of the PaaS Cloud worker and you do not demand to arrangement for it.

The five functional stage of a PaaS are :

  • Deployment
  • Provisioning
  • Lifecycle management
  • Service management
  • Reporting
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The deployment appearance is necessary for intelligible an application from its authority to the PaaS.

Some of the common ways of doing this include:

  • Running a git remote on the PaaS and administration git effort action from clients.
  • Sending the code as a bundle . Cloud Foundry utilize this method, as does Stackato.
  • Compiling the code sectionally and repeat the terminate excitedly to the PaaS.
When a PaaS collect a deployment, it kicks off processes to move that app into a running state. The correct procedure of those system differ , so I will keep them in the form in which they came  . For PPT Click here : Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh 


In the provisioning phase, the PaaS sets up the support compulsory for executing the app.  Infrastructure  is a wide and sometimes indistinct phrase , but here are few frequent apparatus objective :
  • Setting up containers and/or compute instances
  • Configuring networking
  • Installing or configuring operating system services
  • Installing or configuring libraries
Many PaaS systems spread provisioning responsibilities across multiple tools. One tool may generate a measure detail , while other apparatus may install study . But all are sharing the same responsibility : create the environment in which the application will run.

Lifecycle Management

Once the PaaS has a reproduction of the app as well as an situation proficient of executing the app, it wish to control the hanging of the app. This is lifecycle management. Common tasks of lifecycle management include:
  • Starting the app
  • Monitoring the app's running state
  • Manage or define on the app  property utilization
  • Proceed an app upon failure
  • Stopping or restarting the app on command
Few basic PaaS structure only basic lifecycle executive , while highly refined ones may consist dealing , auto-throttling, and hot deployments.

Service Management

This aspect is not one that all PaaS layers achieve . In fact, I would go so far as to say that it is not a mandatory piece of PaaS, But it certainly is useful when present.
All PaaS systems run applications. But few go a stride after and afford services that may be connect to an application. These services run outside of the application container or compute instance.

Services might include :

  • Databases
  • Networked file systems
  • Message queues
  • Caches
  • Aggregated logging
Why don't all PaaS systems need this layer? One logic is that more cloud workers earlier have equal services in the form of DBaaS, MQaaS, and so on.

Reporting and Monitoring

Most of the application's lifecycle is not finished on deployment or material or service authority . It's spent running. During an applications life, there are many interesting things that can occur. There are lifecycle functions that we like to appreciate about, like proceed . There are natural surroundings of interest, like resource utilization and system performance. And, of course, there is application data that we would like to monitor, like log files and application metrics.
Multiple , but by no means all, PaaS platforms afford at least few rolled of informing . Here are  example :
  • Amazon Elastic Beanstalk integrates with AWS Cloud Watch, and also aggregates system log files per application.
If you want to learn more about Cloud computing and its different components so visit our website : Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Shared Hosting v/s Cloud Computing

Shared Hosting v/s Cloud Computing

Applying a shared hosting solution also means that the user has to contribute the server assets with other users. ... The cloud hosting environment is a dedicated hosting service that allows you to manage and maintain your website with in a server that is only dedicated to you.
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Now we discuss some points to know  how Shared Hosting in different from Cloud Computing and find out  which is best for us :

Security :

Security is the set of control-based technologies and policies designed to adhere to regulatory compliance rules and protect information, data applications and infrastructure associated with cloud computing use.Let us discuss which is more secure for us :

Shared Hosting :

In shared hosting, the security is depend on databases and applications which build them accessible to hackers. This is because once one has access to one shared hosting server, it is easier to access the other websites on it. And once a website has been hacked into, many interrupter allowance a classified to take entry again later.
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Since the security threats on shared host are prevalent, most web hosts advise users to keep their computers safe using reliable update antivirus's like Norton Internet Security or Kasper sky Internet Security. They also advise on using strong passwords and keeping your c Panel password away from any files on your account. Also, disable unnecessary options on your PHP settings to enhance security.

Cloud Hosting :

Cloud hosting security management deals with arising issues using security control. There are four big restriction behind the construction of cloud hosting security:
  • ​Deterrent controls
  • Preventative controls
  • Detective controls
  • Corrective controls.
While cloud hosting services encounter traditional security issues like network eavesdropping, illegal invasion, and cloud-specific ones like abuse of cloud services and side channel attacks, the service has clamped down on data isolation , data approach authority , and data purity . On top of that, the hosting assistance has also incorporated encrypted algorithms to further protect privacy and data.
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Cloud hosting – for the simple reason that the service provides the users absolute control when it comes to security by virtue of having dedicated servers. In case of problems with hardware, your website is migrated to a stable server.

Performance : 

The next is performance . So discuss which is best for us :

Shared Hosting :

Even with custom built servers and SSD servers, the resources on shared hosting are a limiting factor that impedes speed. Despite there are companies that have done very well in this appearance , most web hosts conflict with being able to offer adequate resources for this popular segment of their clientele. In accession , you may have to dispute with affair of regular downtime and disruption .

Cloud Hosting :

With cloud hosting, you can expect an ultra-fast, auto salable and customization platform. In detail of big traffic, the site doesn’t excess . In fact, cloud hosting is supported for sites that experience a lot of traffic

Speed :

Shared Hosting :

The servers energize shared hosting are almost constantly complete to quantity . This means that if one website receive a immediate arrival of traffic, all the other websites are impaired with slow speeds which translates to terrible load times. In case of moderate quickness , user have to wait until the affair is conclude to resume their basic online existence .

Cloud Hosting :

Once again, it all comes down to the sharing of assets . Servers  working cloud hosting on the other hand, appropriate all their assets to one website yours Whenever a hardware affair is identify , your website doesn’t stay fast in the inoperative server.

Pricing :

Shared Hosting :

Sharing server space always translates to cheap prices for all the website hosted. This is because while the assets are distribute , the amount of the service is also increase out crossed all on board. With shared hosts, the amount is done on a monthly support or closed down for a year to three years. In fact, to enjoy the lowest prices, you may need to lock down a longer period.

Cloud Hosting :

Most users of cloud hosting will advise you that they don’t fee for services on cloud hosting when they are not using them. Having said that, the cost will come down to how you build your infrastructure.

If you have various apps in your cloud and don’t manage indication of them, you will end up with an costly bill. However, if you have definitely mapped out aspiration for your cloud that you are following, you will have a leaner cheaper bill.


So our cloud hosting vs shared hosting discussion ends there and in brief , shared hosting take an point over cloud hosting when it comes to pricing and bonuses. It’s a perfect plan for those on a budget or small business owners because they can have access to all the basic features they need to get started and do so affordably.
Cloud hosting, on the other hand, get the head when it comes to immunity , uptime, quickness , achievement , and uptime. All the appearance congested into this idea composing it absolute for medium to large sized business or commonly those websites that tend to receive huge traffic.

To learn more about cloud computing and shared hosting visit our website : Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh

Monday, 28 May 2018

Cloud Computing and Web Server

Cloud Computing and  Web Server

There has been a amazing variation in the web hosting corporation when cloud computing came into presence . A web server is the base for hosting environment which can be said as the basic requirements. When a cloud computing is correlated with a common web server then there are many large changes . Considering the fact that Cloud Computing Hosting is the new technology which has been introduced in a short while and the web server being the base of the technology there are diverse disparity which can be indicate down.
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Difference Between Web Server and Cloud Computing

One of the basic difference consists of that Web Server Hosting is the service which has been provided and Cloud Computing is the technology which is in existence. Web Server essentially manage of area which has been  earn by the holder , although with cloud computing, you’re using applications (like email, word processing, spreadsheet, photo editing) that are located on a remote server somewhere, but using them as if they were programs on your computer. Google Apps would be a good example of that. The program activity on a remote server, but you’re implement it on your computer inner a web browser, and usually saving your files to the remote server so they can be accessed from any computer you use. Read More at :

Different Types of Web Server

There are many different types of web servers like Dedicated web server, Shared web servers,Reseller web servers etc. which can be rented or purchased by the clients as per their needs. The key difference is that when you do web hosting, the provider runs the server hardware and the server application for you. All you need to supply is the data, and CGI scripts. But with cloud hosting, you are in charge of the server operating system and the server software as well.
Cloud Computing has been in existence since it came into the presence with the acceptance for interpreted storage structure. It is simply the provision of technology-based resources (processor power, storage, networking) on demand, just like the power company provides you with electricity to the plugs in your house. True cloud computing is when a data center operator supplies you with virtual computing resources that you can grow and shrink (or move) as needed through some kind of control panel. You have closely entire restriction of the software on your basic servers counting the Operating System  but you don’t need to worry about any hardware issues. 

Web hosting includes the hosting of website on server. hosting has so many subtypes. If u have a website and you need to host it on a server then u can go for a shared server  virtual private server(it is private server but virtually), or dedicated server(the whole server is used for u only) and recently new technology has emerged in hosting service,that is Cloud computing. It is similar to grid computing. in network computing so many similar systems are arranged together to procedure something. While cloud computing is a heterogeneous network of computer devices. and u can connect/disconnect any system from this network. as u connect a system to the network the process starts utilizing the power of the newly added system. so it is very powerful.

Cloud Computing is a great alternation in the digital landscape that has reversed the process IT solutions are delivered . CBitss Technologies provide real time and placement focused  Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh . Our training covers course module  like Amazon Web Services (AWS),Azure , Hadoop , Big Data and  Google Cloud etc .

Friday, 25 May 2018

Cloud Computing Services

Cloud Computing Services

The phrase cloud services is a extensive section that envelop the myriad IT resources afford over the internet. The expression may also be used to describe professional services that support the selection, deployment and ongoing management of various cloud-based resources . Cloud Computing platforms are being used all over the world to leverage its benefits of scalability and security . So  Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh is provided by CBitss Technologies at sector 34A . Our cloud computing course is include  basic to advance level and we design this course for the students that they easily get  placed in good MNC companies .

What is cloud-based technology?

The first sense of cloud services covers a wide range of resources that a service provider delivers to customers via the internet, which, in this context, has broadly become known as the cloud. Attribute of cloud services consist self-provisioning and flexibility  that is, customers can arrangement services on an on-demand basis and shut them down when no longer necessary. In addition, customers typically subscribe to cloud services, under a monthly billing arrangement, for example, rather than pay for software licenses and supporting server and network infrastructure upfront. In crowded activities , this approach compose a cloud-based technology an operational charge , rather than a capital expense. From a management standpoint, cloud-based technology lets organizations access software, storage, compute and other IT infrastructure elements without the burden of maintaining and upgrading them.
The usage of cloud services has become closely associated with common cloud offerings, such as software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
SaaS is a program apportionment  in which operation are started by a dealer or assistance worker and made available to customers over a network, typically the internet
PaaS nominate to the carrying of operating systems and analyze services over the internet without downloads or installation. The approach lets customers create and deploy applications without having to invest in the underlying infrastructure. 

Now we discuss Public cloud-based services vs. private cloud-based services with the Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh

Cloud services that a assistance worker allow to various applicants through the internet are assign to as public cloud services. The SaaS, PaaS and IaaS workers prominent above may all be said to be assumption public cloud-based services.
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Private cloud services, in variation , are not built basically applicable to particular or collective users or subscribers. Private cloud-based assistance use technologies and access identify with public clouds, such as virtualization and self-service. But private cloud services race on an organization's own support and are devoted to internal users, rather than multiple, external customers.

Cloud services as professional services

The second impression of cloud services include professional assistance that capable applicant to expand the various types of cloud services. Instructive firms, systems integrated and other carrier associate may action such assistance to help their clients adopt cloud-based technology.

In this situation , cloud services might conclude something or everything of the consecutive contribution : cloud-preparation assessment, application rationalization, migration, deployment, customization, private and public cloud integration -- hybrid clouds -- and ongoing management. Companies develop in cloud assistance have become an charming recovery destination for considerable IT services providers -- Accenture, IBM and Wipro, for instance -- that seek expertise in cloud consulting and deployment. You easily get more information about this in the Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh .

Cloud services vs. web services

Cloud services are sometimes allow compatible with web services. The two range , although related, are not identical. A web service provides a way for applications or computers to communicate with each over the World Wide Web. So, web services are normally allocate with instrument-to-instrument  publicity , while cloud services are generally associated with scenarios in which individuals or corporate customers consume the service -- users accessing office productivity tools via a SaaS-based application .
Some web services, however, may be closely intertwined with cloud services and their delivery to individuals and organizations. Cloud services, for detail , often use RESTful web services, which are based on  representational state transfer (REST) technology. REST is examine as assumption open and well-defined combine for operation and support assistance .

If you  want to learn  more information about cloud computing visit our website : Cloud Computing Training in Chandigarh